Donations and gifts

Concerning donations to the population, and more particularly to children, that you wish to make during your trip, we have a policy on this subject which is more general and which aims to be durable and long-lasting. We do not wish, through gifts or one-time donations, to create habits, dependencies and relationships that economically and humanly would be harmful for the person receiving this gift.

We have been collaborating for several years with the ASA, a very efficient humanitarian organization based in Tana. The members of ASA deal with social reintegration and landless peasants. They manage the return to the countryside of destitute families from Tana. This NGO needs a material but also financial helping hand.

Talk to your guide, he will accompany you in your approach.

You will find all the necessary information on the actions of the ASA on the website here

Sense of Oceans Madagascar also provides logistical support to “CLOWNS SANS FRONTIÈRES” during their missions in Madagascar. We provide them with vehicles, drivers and fuel. If you are tempted to give them a hand, you can deposit a few euros or ariary in the “piggy bank” that we opened at the beginning of 2022 and that we will break at the next mission.

For information on the work of clowns, click here.

Copyright ©2024 Sense Of Oceans | Crédits : Christophe ALIAGA