4×4 rental with driver

You want to travel freely?

You want to go wherever you want and create your own travel itineraries to discover Madagascar?

Malagasy Tours has a fleet of 4 × 4 vehicles ready to go on the most challenging roads of the Big Island.

Quote and rates for 4×4 rental Madagascar See our equipments

4×4 hire in Madagascar: with or without a driver?

In 4×4, it is always with driver at Malagasy Tours!

… Why?

Because going for an adventure off the beaten track, in a country as vast as Madagascar, and where the GPS is not always of a big help, is simply unreasonable.

Madagascar 4 × 4 without driver: good or bad idea?

006-moq-ifaty 04If you want to rent a 4 × 4 to visit Madagascar is to make some “off-road”, but remember that this involves mechanical risks and disorientation, that only an experienced guide can manage, to prevent your holiday from turning into a nightmare.

Adventure with 4×4 requires the organization, a very good knowledge of the field and mechanical skills.

Because you trust us, we have the duty to say no! A raid in 4 × 4 vehicle cannot be improvised.

So many reasons why we only offer rentals of 4 × 4 with driver.

What solutions without a driver?

01The self-drive tour, of course!

By staying on the main roads of the big island, you do not risk to get lost, or to find yourself sunk right in the middle of a wild bush, at the mercy of elements.

We concocted a circuit especially for the amateurs of self-drive tour, for those who do not want to be accompanied by whoever it is.

Your road passport: a Peugeot 404 perfectly adapted to the local conditions.

See our self-drive tour in 404 on the RN7.

Copyright ©2024 Sense Of Oceans | Crédits : Christophe ALIAGA