Field team

Your Malagasy Tours Guide

Votre guide Malagasy ToursYour guide is a true professional of the field.

He will tell you about Madagascar! He has done all Malagasy Tours trips, from the prospecting to the realization. He travelled his country in all directions, knows the slightest hidden recesses, he has cousins everywhere! He is a tireless discoverer, a great travelling companion!

Your driver/guide has his own budget for his meals and his accommodation. He is totally autonomous.
He can have lunch or dinner with you if you wish, or he will find you the next day during breakfast.
Make knowledge with the guides.

Make knowledge with the team


By this term somewhat “overused” in recent years, we mean a certain quality of tourism, one might as well say a way to travel. Ecotourism is a responsible tourism, conscious of its role in the country toward the human and natural environment. The ecotourist is a tourist attentive, open, interested, and traveling today without ignoring tomorrow.

The sharing

A permanent contact with the population. Trying as much as possible to be close to people and events to understand them better. Exchanges between different cultures are always for the actors, privileged moments and intense and lasting memories.

The nature

It is present everywhere in Madagascar. We go to its contact in the parks and reserves, we approach the animals and we learn about the plants, flowers so particular in this region of the world.
Very concerned about ecology, conservation, biodiversity, we help from our best different projects in this direction.

The adventure

We will take you on a journey that will be done of discoveries, meetings and experiences. Adventure is not necessarily synonymous with unexpected or improvisation, it’s more a state of mind, a concept, an approach of the Travel with a big T.

ATR – Malagasy Tours has the certification “Acting for Responsible Tourism”

This certification Acting for Responsible Tourism is based on a framework which aims to bring together operators wishing to work towards for a more responsible tourism, and sharing common values in the exercise of their professional practices based on respect, solidarity and quality.

Copyright ©2025 Sense Of Oceans | Crédits : Christophe ALIAGA